Overcoming all odds and perseverance define his story. Despite incurring burn scars over 65% of his body, Shay is a 6X All World Ranked IRONMAN triathlete, top 1% sales executive, an Entrepreneur, father of 5 kids under 16 and a Motivational Speaker. Shay is a national speaker at Healthcare Conferences, Leadership Development Institutes, corporate leadership retreats, Church conferences, youth conferences, Rotary clubs, and sales development seminars. His message of overcoming obstacles and living a life where “anything is possible” resonates with all audiences.

Shay's story is a parent's nightmare — an innocent 8 year old set afire with gasoline by a neighbor's child. The severity of his burns resulted in the amputation of his right ear, 3 years of rehab to regain use of his right arm after being permanently melted to his side, learning how to write left handed to resume attending school and the wearing of plastic orthotic braces for 3 years 22 hours a day — including 40 surgeries over 40 years. Always the first to make light of his situation, Shay shares how having a detachable prosthetic ear can be quite entertaining, even when it pops off at unpredictable times or going through security at TSA.

His message underscores we all face adversity, some physical, some mental, but “everyone has a story” and it is how we embrace adversity that defines who we are. Shay truly believes getting severely burned as a child was a blessing and served as a motivator to excel in athletics and become a top 1% achiever. It's hard to imagine a kid who cried himself to sleep at night for years due to being compared to Freddy Krueger would one day be an extremely successful sales executive. “It's all about being memorable” Shay tells his audiences.

Shay is well-known in the national triathlon community. Shay is a 4x IRONMAN, 4x member of Team USA, 42x IRONMAN/IRONMAN 70.3 athlete, ranked top 1% of IRONMAN worldwide, and has competed in 14 triathlon World Championships in 10 countries on 6 continents, including the IRONMAN World Championships in Kona, Hawaii (competed at the 2022 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship in St. George, UT). Additionally, Shay is a sponsored triathlete of Newton Running and First Endurance and an inaugural cohort of exceptional service-oriented athletes known as the Mālama Club, long standing members of the IRONMAN Foundation ambassador team.

Shay recently spoke at our annual leadership conference for our company. He was fantastic! His story and message was challenging and inspiring. I would certainly recommend him to any group looking for a speaker for an event.
VICE PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS-NAPLES HOTEL GROUPShay recently spoke at our Texas Bluebonnet Chapter ASI – in Dallas, Texas.
Shay’s story and presentation of the same is not only motivational, inspiring, or courageous, but also helps us to realize just how much we can do if we set our minds to it!!!! Thanks Shay for being willing to share your story and help us to realize that it’s up to us to choose how we bounce back from adverse situations. You are truly inspirational.
DIRECTOR BUSINESS OPERATIONS AT TEXAS HEALTH RESOURCESWe had the pleasure of having Shay speak at our 2016 Leadership Conference, and he scored the highest rating of any internal and external presenter. He is a very engaging and motivational keynote speaker sharing his personal story and how he overcame some very huge obsticles life presented him after his burn incident. The audience was captivated by his humble and personal approach as well as humor throughout the 1.5 hour session. If your company is facing big opportunities, and your need someone to provide a reality check on how to look at challenges, Shay is your go to guy. We would highly recommend Shay for any motivational speaking engagement.
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT HUMAN RESOURCES AT DELTA GLOBAL SERVICESWe had the pleasure of having Shay speak at our 2016 Leadership Conference, and he scored the highest rating of any internal and external presenter. He is a very engaging and motivational keynote speaker sharing his personal story and how he overcame some very huge obstacles life presented him after his burn incident. The audience was captivated by his humble and personal approach as well as humor throughout the 1.5 hour session. If your company is facing big opportunities, and your need someone to provide a reality check on how to look at challenges, Shay is your go to guy. We would highly recommend Shay for any motivational speaking engagement.
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AT MARCAM ASSOCIATESAfter hearing Shay’s motivational talk, I approached him to be the keynote speaker at an annual professional association meeting which is a predominantly female audience. He provided real experiences of facing misfortune and how he overcame that adversity to be become a successful father, business professional, athlete and authentic individual. Shay engaged the audience and made a lasting impression.
Shay is a dynamic speaker and uses humor and multimedia to keep his presentation fun and upbeat. Through sharing his story, he inspired the audience to pursue their dreams by working hard in every aspect of their life. He reminded everyone to make light of bad situation and jump on every opportunity for new or exotic adventure. Shay is a gifted communicator with the ability to inspire different audiences to pursue their passions. I would certainly recommend him to any group looking for a speaker for an event, especially a female audience.
EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTShay is a powerful public speaker with the ability to inspire different audiences. I first heard his story at Church, then saw it delivered in a corporate setting, and finally, he graciously agreed to speak to Atlanta’s young professionals. Through our interactions, I have learned that Shay is an authentic Servant Leader with the drive to grow professionally, personally & to help lift those who cross his path. His resilient & boldness make him a powerful contributor to/for any team; his integrity, transparency & authentic voice make him a great friend.
STRATEGY AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION AT AT&TShay is a very inspiring individual who gave an incredible talk to our employees during our recent annual Employee Award’s Banquet. It couldn’t have been better timing for where we are in our journey as an organization. Shay was able to provide real life experiences of facing adversity and how he overcame a challenge that life dealt him to become an incredible leader and great example for many facing obstacles in their personal and professional life. I would highly recommend Shay for any organization who is looking to take their organization to a higher level. His story is very powerful and will certainly have a positive impact on your organization.
PRESIDENT AT HEALTH CENTRALIt’s my pleasure to recommend Shay’s work as a Motivational Speaker and Writer. I’ve had the pleasure to have attended several of his motivational talks at a professional association I belong to. He is an excellent motivational and inspirational speaker. Many of our attendees have requested he be brought back more than once, the ultimate compliment.
Shay has many skills that set him at the top percentage of professional speakers. While he has a traumatic event from his childhood, (having been set on fire by a friend), which provides an excellent and emotional framework to deliver his message of courage, forgiveness, determination, fortitude, patience and perseverance, he has also become a nationally recognized triathlon athlete which provides an endless fountain of new material and stories upon which he can draw.
He is outstanding at connecting with his audience. He’s a regular guy and he uses that to his advantage to connect with people.
He makes professional use of multimedia to keep his talks interesting, current, fast paced and interesting.
As a frequent presenter in my own profession and an advanced toastmaster, I enjoy not only Shay’s message, but the level of professionalism he brings to public speaking. He’s a joy to watch and any group would benefit from his message and his delivery.
ATTORNEY, LADDAGA-GARRETTThe following is in regards to motivational speaker Shay Eskew. I first heard Shay speak and tell his amazing story at a South Carolina Healthcare Finance meeting. At that time I had started my own journey to take responsibly of my health as I had neglected my wellbeing and was now on a dangerous course of blood pressure medication as well as a diagnosis of type two diabetes.
As I was several months into my planed weight loss regimen Shay’s words and his miraculous survival and accomplishments as a burn victim made me realize that my goals should be easily obtainable. In the months that followed Shay has shared with me many more stories of inspiration especially those of fellow senior citizens who have accomplished amazing physical fitness activities including the Ironman completion for which Shay himself is famous.
I have accomplished my goal of losing 100 pounds and no longer need medication to control my blood pressure and I no longer have type two diabetes. In September of 2015 I completed my first triathlon and I look forward to competing in many more. I owe Shay much more than I can ever repay but I take the lessons he shares when he speaks and I share them any chance I get so that his message of hope and accomplishment can spread to everyone who has a challenge in their life.
DIRECTOR OF REVENUE CYCLE AT CONWAY MEDICAL CENTERI am nearly speechless *still* after listening to Shay’s story last month. I had no idea what I was going to hear at a program where various guests keynote this monthly, Christian, faith-based group, but I didn’t expect to be as moved as I was (being as how I’m so unathletic and Shay is a world-class Ironman).
He was funny, mesmerizing, humble and humbling, and utterly believable despite the gargantuousness (is that a word? Well, SpellCheck doesn’t think so but you know what I mean!) of his accomplishments. What was particularly riveting is how comfortable He is in his own skin (sorry for the pun!) because he is fearlessly following wherever God leads. That was just a GRAND SLAM program of epic proportions and one that I will be pondering the meaning of for a long, long time. In fact, I hope I *never* forget the richness of it.
DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, APRIO (FKA: HABIF, AROGETI & WYNNE)We had the pleasure of having Shay tell his remarkable story to our global sales staff at our annual meeting. He was knowledgeable, fun and most importantly an inspiration to our team. I would recommend organizations of all types should consider Shay as a speaker. His story of overcoming challenges and balancing work, family and Ironman training is a great lesson.
PRESIDENT AT CONCERTO CLOUD SERVICESI recently had the pleasure of hearing Shay’s story at the Indiana HFMA Fall Institute. His story is remarkable and his message is powerful! Overcoming obstacles is challenging for anyone, let alone someone who has been through a horrific tragedy at such a young age. Learning how he overcame adversity to become a successful businessman and athlete was inspiring. I would recommend him as a speaker for any organization, because his message truly applies to everyone.
REGIONAL FINANCE MANAGER AT UHSOur leadership team of 85 leaders at West Georgia Health recently heard a presentation from Shay on his life story and some of the challenges he’s faced to get to this point and to succeed in life. His story is incredible and his considerable abilities to tell that story were both impressive and inspiring. Everyone in the room was motivated to dream bigger and to set new goals to achieve. In addition to being inspirational, he was funny, his stories were very moving and we all came away with some practical tips on how to approach life’s challenges. I would highly recommend Shay for a speaking engagement.
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AT UPSON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTERIt is my pleasure to highly recommend Shay as a motivational speaker. Shay presented “Anything is Possible: Overcoming Obstacles” at the Illinois AAHAM Annual State Institute in East Peoria.
Shay’s life experience is certainly one of successfully overcoming obstacles and I am certain he made a positive impact on all of us in attendance. Great presentation Shay!
BUSINESS EXECUTIVE – RETIREDI’ve been fortunate to hear Shay’s story twice and each time has been energizing. His story of overcoming tragedy and treating obstacles as opportunities truly makes an impact. He shares a message that we can all relate to (to varying degrees compared to his experience!) and become recharged to tackle our own obstacles. No excuses! Inspirational. I’ve already got a number of youth teams and organizations that I’d love to hear his message.
PRESIDENT AT PRESTIGE STAFFINGShay was a featured presenter at the 2013 Georgia Hospital Association annual summer meeting and did a phenomenal job. His personal story of overcoming an indescribable personal tragedy inspired our audience profoundly. I had one person comment that there wasn’t a dry eye in the audience at the end of his talk.
Shay’s willingness to poke fun at himself makes him a very approachable and likable presenter. But perhaps his most attractive and inspirational quality is his relentlessly positive outlook. He has become a personal friend over the last year, and in my introduction to his session I told the audience that some people see the glass half-empty and some see it half-full. Shay sees the glass three-halves full. I have yet to spend time with him without coming away personally challenged and motivated.
PRINCIPAL AT PEARSON HEALTH TECH INSIGHTS, LLCShay’s presentation at our Chick-fil-a Leadercast event hosted in Spring Hill, TN underscored and brought to life what the one day seminar was all about – understanding what it means to “simply lead”. Shay presented in a personal and powerful manner how one with deep convictions and the power of faith can overcome adversity and not settle for mediocrity. Shay is a prime example how one can be a great leader during difficult and changing times.
Approximately five thousand people attended the live Chick-fil-a Leadercast event (Atlanta, GA) and another 115,000 people watched via satellite in 750 locations around the world. Some of the speakers included renowned author John Maxwell, speaker and pastor Andy Stanley, former CEO Jack Welch, and well know authors Dr. Henry Cloud and David Allen.
BUSINESS COACH – LEADERSHIP AND SALES EXPERT – VETERAN ADVOCATEShay Eskew was recommended to our group by the Rotary District Governor as a “must have speaker” for our youth program. Fortunately for us Shay agreed to deliver a motivational presentation, “Burning Desire – Living Life Fired Up”, to our Rotary Youth Leaders Award (RYLA) program. RYLA assembles 60 of the strongest emerging High School Leaders for an intensive one week leadership development program and we only have time for top tier talent as guest speakers; Shay is an A list motivational speaker! While Shay’s personal story of resilience is captivating, and his story of training for / completing the Ironman Triathlon speaks to dedicating oneself to a goal/objective. It is Shay’s message on how to live life, where to place real value that has a timelessness to it.
Shay literally touched many of our student’s lives. One young lady with body image issues was touched emotionally to tears and it transformed her life! In less than twenty-four hours of Shay’s presentation this young lady was a changed person. I would strongly recommend Shay’s participation as a motivational speaker for youth groups, professional groups and those groups seeking inspiration for overcoming challenges.
Shay has all the attributes of a top tier public/motivational speaker he is articulate, with an polished stage presents, comes well prepared with a professional presentation, is timely, and extremely personable.
VICE PRESIDENT / DIRECTOR OPERATIONS AND COMMUNITY AT NOVA TECHNOLOGIESShay delivered a motivational presentation, “Burning Desire – Living Life Fired Up”, to our search firm during Global Training Conference. While his personal story of resilience is captivating, his competitive story of preparing for and completing the Ironman Triathlon is spellbinding.
Shay was articulate, comfortable on stage, well prepared with graphics, on time, and personable.
American Idol would give Shay two thumbs up!